Why MaluAvert


Over a decade of proven results with more than 2000 systems currently active in surface and underground mining operations around the world.

Global Availibility

MaluAvert is available around the world. With offices and manufacturing facilities in multiple countries, Malu provides global expertise and support at the local level.

Electromagnetic Level 9

MaluAvert meets the EMESRT level 9 requirements to react independently of the operator to automatically slow and stop machinery.

OEM Agnostic

MaluAvert works seamlessly on any size, make and model of machinery, and on mixed equipment fleets. Diesel and electric.

All Inclusive

Machine-to-Person, Machine-to-Machine and Machine-to-Stationary object detection and intervention. Functions on all equipment and personnel in the working section.


Customized fields are reliable and repeatable. Unaffected by low visibility or inclement weather.

Active Monitoring & Reporting

Active monitoring and reporting. All activities and events are logged and customized reports can be generated.

Surface and Underground

Electromagnetic Technology

Near-field, high resolution detection for accident prevention. It is unaffected by the environment, and works effectively on the surface and underground

EMESRT Compliant

Meets level 7, 8 and 9 EMESRT standards. Can be configured based on customer requirements.


Stable fields which can penetrate earth substrates and barriers. Unaffected by visibility.


MaluAvert can be interfaced to the machine meeting ISO standards. CAN Bus or via relays. Options include: ignition, park brake, e-stop, speed sensor, hydraulics disable, and more.


Country specific approvals. Ask for more details.

Perimeter Guard

Patented Design

Perimeter zoning using a cable in customized configurations. Usable on any type of equipment and applicable in countless applications, environments and operations.


Effective on mobile and stationary equipment with moving parts. Continuous Haulage. Feeder Breakers. Conveyors. Conveyor Bridges.

Level 9 Compliant

Warning alarms and interlocking capabilities to automatically stop moving components in an emergency.

All Inclusive

Detects and responds to persons and/or vehicles.